The Virginia Water Well Association offers a free publication to each of its 400+ members in addition to the surrounding State Groundwater Associations and a few affiliated state entities. On a seasonal – quarterly basis, the 20 page full color magazine boasts of the latest in groundwater and association news keeping it’s membership up-to-date and engaged with the latest information. Advertisements offset the print and postage costs allowing the magazine to be an inclusive offering to paying members.
We are always looking for more advertisers as the association membership grows. If you are interested in promoting your services or products, please download the Agreement form below. Note the Agreement Deadlines and be sure to submit your artwork.
Advertising Rates are as follows:
Quarter Page (4.25″ x 5.5″) $125
Half Page (8.5″ x 5.5″) $250
Full Page (8.5″ x 11″) $450
Back Cover (8.5″ x 11″) $900
The cost listed is per run and is due in full. Advertisement may be produced for the company at an additional design fee of 30% of the ad size price. Acceptable formats for submission are .jpeg, .tiff, .pdf, .png, .psd, .ai, and .doc(x). Resolution must be a minimum of 300 dpi.
To Submit: Images to be included can be E-mailed ( or mailed on a cd, dvd, or flash drive to VWWA office.
Click the button to download the current Advertising Agreement anytime throughout the year.

WINTER December 28, 2022
SPRING March 28, 2023
SUMMER July 1, 2023
FALL October 3, 2023
If you find deadlines are fast approaching and you are interested, just let Christina know the space size and she can reserve a spot while the magazine is designed. Projected print dates are generally seven days past the agreement deadlines.